ADD, ADHD & Autism Naturally

ADHD Ottawa @45.2487862,-76.3606792Individuals with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) suffer from periods of inattention and impulsiveness and struggle to remain focused on the task at hand.  Conventional treatments include prescription stimulants and amphetamines such as Ritaline and Dexedrine which have many side effects.

Food intolerance testing is one of the first line treatments for treatment of ADHD/autism.  Many people with ADHD/Autism have sensitivities to certain foods. Generally individuals with food intolerances cannot break down foods properly which creates what are called “excitotoxins” in the body.   These “excitotoxins” cross into the brain causing the brain to always be excited. Common foods that affect individuals include ingredients such as gluten, casein, soy, corn and sugar.  Also, it is important to assess if there is any (dysbiosis) imbalance of bacteria in the digestive tract that could be contributing to the condition and treat accordingly.  Microbial organic acid testing is available to test levels of dysbiosis in the gut.

Oftentimes individuals with ADHD/autism also have deficiencies in certain neurotransmitter such as dopamine, norepinephrine, Gaba and tryptophan. Amino acid testing can allow us to identify these imbalances and design customized compounds to help balance the brain chemistry and optimize focus and attention.

What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic Medicine focuses on the prevention of disease. Naturopathic doctors are licensed health care professionals whose four-year program of study parallels that of medical doctors.

What does Naturopathy Treat?

Naturopaths are trained in seven modes of treatment including…

Clinical Nutrition, which focuses on the fuel you are putting into your body and how nutrition is affecting your energy.

Botanical Medicine, which is based on the use of plants or plant extracts that may be eaten or applied to the skin. Since ancient times, herbal medicine has been used by many different cultures throughout the world to treat illness and to assist bodily functions.

Chinese Medicine including the use of herbs, massage, acupuncture and acupressure methodologies.

Homeopathic Medicine which focuses on strengthening the bodies natural immune system.

Physical Medicine which may include spinal manipulations, ultrasounds and exercise therapy.

Lifestyle Counselling, which focusses on the external pressures which may be manifesting themselves in the form of stress, depression, anxiety, ADHD, menopause, fertility or pregnancy issues, hormone imbalance, weight gain and weight loss, allergies or food sensitivities.

Ottawa’s Favourite Naturopath

A Naturopath is trained to treat the whole person, as opposed to just the “illness.” They often spot the underlying factors of an issue and help you adjust them. Dr. Carolyn Mercer, Naturopathic Doctor, is amongst the best Naturopaths in Ottawa Ontario. You don’t need to suffer alone. Get the ancient wisdom of naturopathic medicine working for you. 613 656 0987


Downtown Location
@ Albert & Metcalfe
Suite 300-116 Albert St.
Ottawa ON, K1P 5G3
Phone: 613-699-8991

  • Mon: N/A
  • Tues: N/A
  • Wed: 9:30am – 3:30pm
  • Thu: 9:30am – 3:30pm
  • Fri: N/A
  • Sat: By Appt.

Kanata Location
ReVive Health Solutions
4 – 737 Silver Seven Rd.
Kanata ON, K2V 0H3
Phone: 613-828-6443

  • Mon:  N/A
  • Tue: 9:30am – 3:30pm
  • Wed: N/A
  • Thu: N/A
  • Fri:  N/A
  • Sat: N/A